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Thursday 30 April 2020

Yangshan Huiji [W-G: Yang-shan Hui-chi / J: Kyozan Ejaku]

Yangshan Huiji studied with Guishan Lingyou. After many years of working together, Guishan came upon Yangshan seated in meditation beneath a tree.  The master prodded the student’s back with his staff.  Yangshan turned to him, and Guishan asked, “Do you have anything to say?”
“Not a word,” Yangshan said.  “Nor would I borrow one from anyone else.”

[Yangshan Huiji – Zen Masters of China: 196, 207-10, 212]

Thursday 23 April 2020

Guishan Lingyou [W-G: Kuei-shan Ling-yu / J: Isan Reiyu]

Guishan Lingyou was the founder of the Guiyang school of Zen. He began his career, however, as the cook at the monastery of Baizhang Huaihai.
                It is said that Baizhang had decided to open another monastery and sought to choose a monk worthy to head it. He called his disciples together and told them that whosoever could best answer a question he put would be selected the abbot of the new monastery. Then he placed a flower vase on the floor in front of him and asked: “Who can tell me what this is without saying its name?”
                There was a period of silence before the chief monk suggested: “No one would call it a wooden shoe.”
                Then Guishan came forward and nudged the vase with his foot, after which he left the chamber. Baizhang smiled and announced, “The cook has answered best.” And so Guishan was chosen to lead the new monastery.

[Guishan Lingyou – Zen Masters of China: 128, 200-203, 208-10, 232
The Story of Zen: 143-44

Thursday 16 April 2020

Jinhua Juzhi [W-G: Chin-hua Chu-chih / J: Gutei Chikan]

                Whenever Jinhua Juzhi was asked a question about Zen, he raised a single finger and remained silent.
                As he became older, he needed the services of an attendant. It happened that the attendant took to imitating his master. So when someone would ask about Juzhi’s teaching, the attendant also just raised a finger. When Juzhi caught him in this mimicry, he grabbed the attendant’s hand and, using a knife, cut off the offending finger. The attendant screamed in pain and tried to rush from the room. Before he reached the door however, Juzhi called his name. The attendant turned to look at the master, and Juzhi raised a single finger. The attendant came to awakening.
[Jinhua Juzhi – Zen Masters of China: 199-200]

Thursday 9 April 2020

Hangzhou Tianlong [W-G: Hang-chou T’ien-lung / J: Koshu Tenryu]

                 A monk asked Hangzhou Tianlong, “How does one escape the three realms – the realm of desire, the realm of the end of desire while remaining in form, and the realm beyond form?”
                Hangzhou asked, “Where are you right now?”

[Hangzhou Tianlong – Zen Masters of China: 198]

Thursday 2 April 2020

Changsha Jingcen [W-G: Ch’ang-sha Ching-ts’en / J: Chosa Keijin]

                When Changsha Jingcen was asked, “What is the Dao?” his answer was, “It doesn’t exclude you.”
                “Who then is the teacher of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?”
                “Who has concealed him?”

[Changsha Jingcen – Zen Masters of China: 195-98]