monks were so surprised that their master would even talk about breaking the
precept against taking life that they were stunned into silence. None was able
to say a word, and Nanquan cut the cat in two.
chief disciple, Zhaozhou Congshen, had been absent when these events took place.
He returned to find his fellow monks bewildered by their teacher’s behavior,
and, when Zhoazhou went to see his master, Nanquan related what had occurred.
Without saying a word, Zhoazhou took off one of his sandals, placed it on his
head, and left the room.
“If you’d been there,” Nanquan
called after him, “the cat would have lived!”
Puyuan – Zen Masters of China: 128,
137, 164-69, 178; The Story of Zen: 148, 191]