Tianhuang Daowu was the Dharma heir
of Shitou Xiqian. When he became a teacher, his personal attendant was Lungtan
Chongzin. After Lungtan had been in that position for several years, he
approached his master and complained, “Since I came here, I haven’t had any
instruction in the study of mind.”
“That isn’t so,” Tienhuang said.
“Since the day you first arrived, I haven’t missed an opportunity to show you
how to study mind.”
“In what way, sir?”
“When you brought me a cup of
tea, didn’t I drink it? When you bowed to me, didn’t I return the bow? When did I ever neglect
instructing you?”
Lungtan sat for a moment with
his head down. “If you want to see it,” Tianhuang snapped, “see it directly! When
you just think about it, it’s altogether lost!”
Lungtan came to awakening and
asked, in marvel, “How does one maintain it?”
“Live in accordance with
conditions as they arise moment to moment,” Tianhuang instructed him.
“Surrender to everyday mind. There’s nothing sacred except this.”
Daowu – Zen Master’s of China: 102]